Monday, April 25, 2011

Get rid of bad breath or else

            I found this ad on Youtube for Orabrush tongue cleaner to be very effective.  Whether the facts were true or not, the commercial did a very good job presenting their product in a easy to understand manner.  They also utilized the fear tactic to get consumers to act.  Even mentioning Halitophobia, the fear of bad breath, to influence consumers to think about their breath.  The ad also addressed their competitors such as the mouth wash or tongue scrappers to highlight their products advantages.  I have always been nervous of bad breath, so this commercial really influenced me and I even went through the steps to receive a free trail. 

And by the way.... you have to pay for shipping and handling, if anyone was thinking about doing the same. 

I gotta have it!

          I tried to think of one those commercial that really influenced me when I was younger.  I remember viewing this commercial when I was a kid and like all Nerf commercials, I always wanted a Nerf gun really bad after.  They were always action packed and fast moving to help excite their audience.  Also, all the games portrayed in the commercial, were the same scenarios my friends and I would play around the neighborhood.  Nerf's target audience is younger males, they really did their due diligence to know their customers and effectively reach them through this commercial.

I want a dog

             This ad makes it tough for me as I have been wanting a dog for a while now.  But I loved this commercial and the slow motion technique it uses to show the beauty of dogs.  The imagery coupled with the interesting music really captured my attention right away.  The dogs were clear and every detail was captured.  Everyone has a soft spot for our canine friends and Pedigree really used that to their advantage to break through the clutter.  The only negative I can come up with was their unclear message.  I knew it was for Pedigree but I'm unsure of the viewer takeaway. 

That killed him

             This one of many funny Ameriquest ads that have been pushing "don't judge to quickly... we won't" message.  Throughout their advertisements, they place people in awkward situations, where it would be easy to come up with a negative judgment.  I thought this commercial, along with their whole campaign has been very effective in spreading the Ameriquest name.  I have never heard of the mortgage company until they began creating these comedic ads.  This is the case where a company wasn't so much trying to increase sales but focused on developing their brand name and image. 

Sitting with KitKat

               This was a perfect of example of effective outdoor advertising.  Because this ad is creative with their ability to turn an outdoor bench into a Kitkat, they will be able to create more buzz.  When someone sits, walks near, or drives by they will stir up discussion because of the ad's uniqueness.  Though one problem this type of promotion could face is vandalism.  As shown above the chocolate candy looks delicious, almost as if someone could take a bit out of it.  Though if the bench gets dirty or people place graffiti to distort the message, audiences can be turned of by the Kitkat advertising.  Companies need to be aware of their advertising and whether the correct image is being presented. 

Smart Sucker Ad

             I thought this ad was very smart and clever in relaying their message to readers.  It's a bit risky placing candy and bugs in the same picture but I don't think it made their sucker any less attractive.  The ad was easy to receive because it was so simple.  When a quick glance, I understand Chupa's suckers are sugar-free and gain a quick laugh.  That in turn helps to create a fun brand image, which many candy manufacturers would like to be seen as.

KFC for Christmas

              This is a statue of KFC's Colonel Sanders wearing a Santa Clause suit in Japan.  This one piece of KFC's effort to merge Christmas with fried chicken and its worked.  Forty years ago, the Japanese people had trouble finding a whole chicken or turkey for Christmas.  KFC recognized the need and use the fried chicken to become a holiday tradition.  Now orders come two months in advanced to insure families have their own special fried chicken meals for the holiday.  This a perfect advertising to effectively merging a brand into the culture of a community.